Jan. 29th 2020 at Tengu-Dani

I went to Tengu-Dani to collect the calices of C. longipes possessing nutlets. I gained them from the herb labeled GA, GB, GC,and GD adding to the herb located above the herb GA, which I labeled GE. Almost of nutlets have fallen off the calyx. Only several percent of them may have been left in calyx. The number of calyces with nutlets gained is as follows:
Table 1 The number of calyces and nutlets
Herb labeledCalycesNutlets

I measured the weight of every nutlet in each of the calyces with a digital scale. The result is :
Table 2 The average weight for the nutlet (mg)
Herb labeledweight(mg)
Summery27.5}6.6 (n=278)

Feb. 1th 2020 at Kamori

I collected calyces of each herb labeled A, D, H, M, O, 3, 7, 8, respectively and measured the weight (mg) of each nutlet to gain the mean weight.
Table 1 The number of calyces and nutlets
Herb labeledCalycesNutlets
D 2 8
O 4 9
3 3 5
7 4 15
8 513

Table 2 The average weight for the nutlet (mg)
Herb labeledweight(mg)
Summery24.1}7.6 (n=144)

An assumption of phenotypic difference between the herb labeled A and 8 by comparison of the nutlet weight

25 herbs, C. longipes, grow at spot A in Kamori. I collected the nutlets of each herb labeled A, K, H, D, L, 1, 3, 8 on Dec. 8th in 2019 and A, H, D, M, O, 3, 7, 8 on Feb. 1th in2020. I measured the weight of every nutlets with a electronic balance, with which we can measure a tiny object in the several mg range. Average weight of those collected on Dec. 8 are 66.1(SD=10.2)mg for herb A and 37.3(SD=13.6, n=20) for herb 8 respectively. And Average weight of those collected on Feb.1 are 30.3(SD=6.7, n=33) for herb A and 16.1(SD=3.9, n=13) for herb 8 respectively. The nutlet of label 7and 8 is lighter than nutlet from other herbs. Then I calculated the ratio of nutlet from herb 8 to nutlet A, which resulted in 0.56 and 0.53. That reveals the difference between nutlet from A and nutlet from 8 (fig.). What nutlet collected on Dec. 8th is heavier than Feb. 1th is caused by freshness. I infer the nutlets of Dec.8 may have turned frsh to dry after two months , although the nutlet of Feb.1 has just ripened. A density of the herb at spot A is 1 herb per 1 m square for there are 25 herbs in about 25 m square at spot A. As the herb A is 4m away from herb 8, herb A may be different individual from herb 8. Herb A may be not a ramet or genet of herb 8. Consequently I assume that herb A may be genetically different from herb 8 or 7 by comparison of the nutlet weight. Feb. 15th .2020 A seeding

I seeded the nutlets , which had collected in both Kamori and Tengu-Dani , into a small vessel with wet soil on Feb. 3th. Many of the nutlets begin to germinate, which I see tiny roots from them.

Feb. 20th .2020 A germination rate

I confirmed that many seeds began to germinate on Feb. 15th , tiny tip of root of which came out. Today I count the number of seeds that have germinated to record a germination rate of C. longipes.
The germination rate of every herb labeled at Kamori and Tengu-Dani is as follows:
Table specimen collected on Dec. 8 and Feb. 1 at Kamori
herb labeledgermination rategermination rate
-----Feb. 1Dec. 8
D 0.75 1.00
O 0.67 -----
8 0.92 0.90
7 1.00 0.90

Germination trate= (113+101)/(129+107)=0.907

Table specimen collected on Nov. 17 and Jan. 29 at Tenngudani
herb labeledgermination rategermination rate
-----Nov. 17Jan. 29
GD ----- 0.93
GE ----- 0.93
Total0.782 0.968

Germination trate= (61+121)/(78+125)=0.897